Do I really need a

powerpoint presentation design agency?

If you want to deliver persuasive presentation experiences that your audience will actually care about, change mindsets, and reach your goals a specialised presentation design agency isn’t just an option – it’s a necessity.

Welcome to our

PowerPoint presentation design agency.

But your PowerPoint slides suck.

You have one opportunity to change the minds of everyone in that room. And you’re not going to do that with ugly slides.

It’s time to bring in the presentation experts.

Your big ideas deserve to be treated by a team of specialist presentation designers that can get them all dolled up for their debut, transforming how audiences experience them, so that your ideas make their way, seamlessly, into the minds of those they meet.

This is a really big moment. Don’t waste it.

working at presentation design agency Buffalo 7

You're thinking about company presentations wrong.

If you’re not thinking about your business presentation as a sold-out-stadium-tour-edge-of-your-seat experience that stays with your audience long after you’ve finished speaking, you’re doing it wrong.

A successful corporate presentation should go with them to bed that night. Oi oi.

And you’re only going to make that happen with Hollywood storylines, premium design, ideas in motion, and interactive experiences. Or, at least, a PowerPoint presentation design agency who can do all that for you. After all, it does sound like a lot of work.


Don't build slides, build experiences.

Make lasting connections by tailoring every touchpoint. Your presentation is the main event, but what you do outside of those twenty minutes matters. Our presentation design services are here to boost every stage of your presenting journey, from before the first conversation to after the deal is done.

And you’ll get a team of presentation experts to guide you through it all.

We got you, Boo.

We see you.

You’re not like all those other companies, are you?

Your ambitions are yours alone, and no rinse-and-repeat deck is going to help you to reach them. You need a presentation design agency that takes the time to understand you. And you need a team of PowerPoint presentation designers with the expertise to create a presentation experience with a laser focus on getting you where you need to be.

We get it, because we’re not like other companies either.

Be heard. Change mindsets. And carve out your unique place on the mountain top, among the world’s best brands – like Dell Technologies, Sony, Rockstar Energy, NET-A-PORTER and Cartier – who all trust this presentation design company to transform their presentations into engaging, inspiring, experiences.

What the faq?

  • How do I get started with my presentation design project?

    You’re keen, and we love it. 

    Getting started with your new presentation design agency is as simple as getting in touch.

    We’ll set up a good time for a chat where we can get a feel for what your company is looking to achieve, as well as what the best next steps for your project are going to be.

    And you can get a feel for what we’re all about. And find out exactly what a presentation design agency is, if you're still not sure. We can show you previous work that’s relevant to your project, you can get to know the team, including your dedicated PowerPoint presentation designers, and we can answer any questions – and calm any nerves – you may have.

    From there, we’ll create your bespoke proposal. Take your time looking over the detail, before you make any decisions. And, of course, we’re here if any further questions pop up.

  • How long does PowerPoint presentation design take?

    This is a tricky question to answer.
    The answer to this question depends on a lot of factors. How long do you have to present? How in-depth and complex is your story? How much research will be involved? What will the deliverable be? How much specialist storytelling, design and animation will be required? And so on. 
    If you’re completely new to working with a presentation design agency and just need an average turnaround time to get your bosses on board, let’s say about two or three weeks, from initial consultation to final delivery of your corporate presentation solution. 
    Now that you have your easy answer, get in touch to get one step closer to a tailored one.

  • What presentation software do you use?

    Our specialist presentation designers have spent years testing different software to get the best results for our clients. We use PowerPoint most of the time, because it has the best features for most projects, but our expertise extends much further than that. 

    Some brands want their internal teams to be able to collaborate remotely when building presentations, so Google Slides is the best bet for them. Sometimes Prezi will be the solution. And, for others, it’s Keynote. We've got experience with each piece of software on the market, so we can recommend the one for you. We’ll base the software used on the objectives your company needs to achieve. 

    We have a favourite, but we don’t play favourites. It’s all about you.

    That’s the presentation deliverables covered, but it’s not the end of the specialist software story.

    Our presentation designers are experts in the whole Adobe suite - including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, XD, and After Effects. They use this cocktail of skills as the building block of every presentation, but the final file is delivered in a format that your team can access, use, and edit.

    This Adobe expertise, alongside the team’s extensive variety of creative backgrounds, is how we can offer the whole package: jaw-dropping presentations that don’t look like presentations, alongside professional supporting assets, such as digital brochures, bespoke video, print documents, and infographics. We're a full-service presentation design agency.

    We craft the whole presentation experience, not just the slides behind you.

    Check out our full list of services to find out more.

  • Will you sign an NDA?

    As if you even have to ask. Our clients’ confidentiality is extremely important to us, and we have very strict measures in place. We’ll happily sign your NDA before we even have a consultation and, if you don’t have one to hand, you can use ours.

  • Do I need to provide the content for the presentation?

    The best presentations follow strong themes that are consistent throughout the narrative, design and animation. Would you look at that: your new presentation design agency is dropping expert knowledge before we’ve even had a chat. We are good to you.

    In most cases, we’d recommend starting your project with a discovery workshop, where we unpick your brand story, your key messaging, as well as get to know your audience and their challenges. This doesn’t only help us to create a powerful narrative for your brand, but also allows us to step back and look at the big picture, making sure we recommend the right deliverable, software, and supporting assets to help you reach your goals.

    If you have existing content that you’d like us to use as a starting point, that’s great. But if you’d like us to start from scratch, we can create a complete presentation with the findings from the workshop alone. 

    And, of course, if you’re happy with your company story, we can leave you to it and jump straight to design and experiential development.

    Take a look at what we can do for you, whether you provide content, or we create it.

  • Will I be able to send the presentation after the meeting?

    You can do whatever you want with your presentation.

    But - if you want the advice of some expert pitch deck designers – you’re asking one document to do too much. If you’d been patient and waited until your discovery workshop, we would’ve covered this, but we can give you a short version:

    The more focused you can be, the more effective your communications.

    It’s like this: if you wanted to ask your mate Barbara for a pint down the pub, you would send her a text saying something along the lines of

    Barbs, babe, fancy a pint?

    You wouldn’t send a doodle of a pint to Kev, to describe to Maria, to perform an interpretative dance to Barb’s answering machine. That’s not how to get things done.

    When you’re trying to create professional and persuasive documents for your brand, if you can narrow down the audience, the purpose, and the format, you can craft a story that will reach them, resonate with them, and persuade them to see things from your point of view.

    This is just a really long way of saying: of course we can create a business presentation that will also serve as a document for you to send afterwards. It just won’t be as good at doing either.

    Instead, why not create a powerful presentation and a separate leave-behind document? Give them each the space to do their job. But that's just our expert opinion.

    Check out our print design services to find out more or click here to see how good presentations can be.

  • Can each presentation be visually tailored to the audience?

    We like you. You’re smart. Have you been reading our blog?

    Creating personalised presentations, not only in narrative, but in visual style, is totally the right way to make a lasting impression. And it doesn’t have to be difficult.

    We can create composite logo placeholders within your template, so you can simply drop in the logo of your prospective client next to your own and voilà.

    Or we could go one step further and create a design style based around integrating your brand colours with your prospects’ colours. Each time you present, you’d just need to find the colour value of their main brand colour, change the relevant elements within the template, and it will automatically apply to all those slides. Don’t worry, our presentation experts will walk you through it.

    We’ve saved the most impactful for last, of course. Come back to the Buff each time you confirm a new pitch, and our expert presentation designers will transform your presentation to bring together your brand and theirs. Don’t ask your audience to try and imagine your partnership. Go one step further, and show them how your product would look with their branding, through image and video mock-ups, bespoke for each prospect.

    Don’t just tell them, show them how good you’d look together.

  • How will you know what I like when it comes to presentation design?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is what makes graphic design such a cruel mistress. But graphic design isn’t all about how pretty something is. There’s a science to it as well.

    Over the last ten years, our specialist presentation designers have honed our PowerPoint presentation services and our design process to get them as close to an exact science as, we believe, is possible.

    Our expert PowerPoint design process goes a little something like this:

    1.     Immersion
    We take the time to deep dive into your brand guidelines, your previous company marketing collateral, your website, or just stuff you’ve seen that you like. Heck, even show us stuff you’ve seen that you didn’t like. It all helps.
    Our specialist presentation designers burrow deep into anything you send us, getting to know you before they even get a chance to say hello.

    2.     Conversation
    We’ve devised a thorough set of briefing questions, designed to get your opinions on how far we can push your brand, what you like, what you don’t like, how you need your company presentation to function, and what you want your audience to feel when they see it. We can even show mood boards at this stage, if you’re the visual type.

    3.     Initial look and feel
    We’ll take just a small handful of your slides, and apply your brand-new design style to them, giving you the chance to review and make revisions. We just want to make sure you love it, before we go full steam ahead. We can even create multiple design routes at this stage, to give you some options. After all, you might not know what you like until you see it.

    4.     Roll out
    Once you’re happy with the look and feel, we’ll roll it out across your unique slides within your presentation. At this stage, we’re still working in Adobe XD or Photoshop, and you’ll get another chance to review and give feedback, before we start building your bells-and-whistles professional presentation in PowerPoint.