LTA sales deck slide


and the art of persuasion.

How much is your pitch worth?

How much have you spent getting your customers through the sales funnel?

There’s that fresh new website, top-of-the-range CRM system, the PPC, SEO, CRO and WTF…

Oh, do we also need to mention the social media experts you pay to tempt prospects towards you like a liver snap to a chihuahua? Don’t forget the trade shows, the business cards, the water bottles with your logo on. The brochures, the email campaigns, the Google Ads and the paid Instagram content.

The list goes on. It could all be worth it, but for one fatal flaw.

pitch deck

Your pitch deck sucks.

You’ve spent all that time, energy, cash and resource to get you in the right room, in front of the right people, only to blow it with an unprofessional pitch deck design.

Falling at the final hurdle. Ouch.

Choose a pitch deck design agency.

You could be winning more business, seeing incredible returns on investment, and – who knows – getting that promotion with the corner office and stunning views.

Or you could be like the 54% of UK businesses who are losing more than half their pitches.

If only you had a team of pitch deck designers at your beck and call.


Buffalo 7: the pitch deck design agency.

Whether you’re a start-up or Fortune 500 company, pitching technology, products, services, education, or VR headsets for dogs, our pitch deck designers will work with you to understand your brand, your ideas and your requirements.

We’ll create a narrative that tells your story in a way that resonates with your audience. We’ll design beautiful visuals that respect and enhance your brand. And we’ll bring it all together into a persuasive pitch deck design experience.

Pitch deck examples.

What The FAQ?

We keep all our facts confined to one space on the home page. All else is nonsense really.